Pride 2023 and 1.20 Update

It's been a little quiet here at Team Resourceful over the past few weeks. We've been focusing on life, learning, other projects, and just taking a mini break to prevent burnout. However, we wanted to provide the community with an update regarding Resourceful Bees and our other mods.

Pride Month 2023

Last year, we made the decision to make the Pride pet bees available to every player, all year round. We wanted to remind everyone that this is still the case. You can visit the pet bee customization page and select your bee. Patrons continue to have access to a specific subset of pet bees.

Minecraft 1.20 is Nearly Here!

With Minecraft 1.20 closing in on an official release, we have begun updating our libraries to the Fabric 1.20 snapshot releases. This will give us a head start on updating Resourceful Bees to 1.20 with our goal of being able to release an update within 24 hours of Forge becoming available. That said, when we shift to 1.20 we will remain in an alpha state as we continue collecting feedback and bug reports from the community.

1.19.2 Resourceful Bees Support

Once we release a 1.20 build, we will drop support for our 1.19.2 builds as we expect 1.20 to stick around for quite some time. Updating to 1.20.x sub-releases is yet to-be-determined since this is a new release pattern for Mojang.

Loot Bags and Highlight

Resourceful Loot Bags and Highlight will also see swift updates to 1.20 as well as Liquefied Honey.

Final Notes

We still have lots of work to do with Resourceful Bees on the documentation side. More templates and examples, a Centrifuge Multiblock primer video, and a rewritten mod guide will all be coming this summer. We want to thank everyone who's tested the mod and provided feedback so far. We take the feedback very seriously and appreciate the community's support in our endeavor to create amazing mods.

Happy Pride Month to everyone and have a wonderful summer!
Team Resourceful